833 3732612


Dallas, Texas

Non-traditional fundraising opportunities.
We give every non-profit the opportunity to think outside the box when building their database. These are opportunities you can approach for profit companies, other nonprofit organizations, and individuals with your premium incentive items offered.

Building your database will help you to increase profit and meet your goals. Helping your nonprofit think outside of your traditional database.
Dream Tank USA for Nonprofits helps you increase your profits and accomplish your Dreams and Goals.

What are the possible applications of these incentives?
Some of the many applications include the following:
1. Sales closing tools
2. Referral Incentives
3. Employee loyalty and/or performance reward
4. Gifts for large purchases
5. Customer appreciation gifts
6. Prizes for golf tournaments
7. New membership gifts
8. Bonus for subscriptions or renewals
9. Pledge gift
10. Dealership incentives
11. Internet Marketing/advertising
12. Thank You gifts
13. Appointment setter
14. Lead generator
15. Sweepstakes, contests and raffles
Step 1 - Test out the Program
Reward your donors with more than they donate.
Step 2 - Determine Initial Order
We offer amazing deals to help you grow your organization.
Step 3 - Contact Us!
Relax knowing you got an amazing deal and are helping support life!

Start Building Your Database Today!